The goal is to assign a visio file (.vdsx) to an element, via protocol.
I found the NotifyType(444) /*NT_ASSIGN_ELEMENT_VDX */
...which appears to do what I want, but I cannot find how to make it work.
Guilherme Gaspar [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 28th June 2024
Hi Guilherme,
There was a similar question but related to scripts:
Assigning a visio to an element through script
Hope it helps.
Guilherme Gaspar [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 28th June 2024
I’m using the SLNet call UpdateElementActiveVisioMessage already. However, it doesn’t work solely. First I need to call the CreateElementFileMessage to create the visio file properly (named Element_[dmaId]_[elemId].vdsx), and then use the UpdateElementActiveVisioMessage with that new visio file. This is not perfect, since I need to track down when the new file is synced before executing the last call. In any case, we are always advised not to use SLNet Calls, so I was trying to avoid them.