Is it possible to sum trend data of parameters of the same table with specific indices to get a new parameter so that it is offloaded to central DB?
Use case - we need to monitor summary In/Out bandwidth of 4 interfaces of a Fortinet Fortigate connector and have the summed data offloaded.
Thank you.
Have you tried DataMiner's Aggregation function?

Eventually we managed to use the aggregator to sum the interface bandwidth using the "Alias" column in the "Interface Details" for presentation purposes, however, the aggregated parameters are not included in the central DB offload. Thanks.
Yes, I tried. Can you please explain how can I run an aggregation rule to sum 4 parameters of indices that I specify?
I was not able to achieve that. I see no option to pick an index.
Note: The indices are pre-defined and can't be changed. Connector Fortinet Fortigate.