When creating an SRM booking, a service is created in DataMiner with all the reserved resources. It has a nice visualization on top of it showing the entire signal path E2E together with technical info.
I'd like to share this overview with a 3rd party customer for which this booking was created in the first place. What are the options here? Does the 3rd party need a DataMiner account to access? Ideally it would be nice to just share a link from which they can monitor the booking.
FYI, the 3rd party doesn't necessarily have DataMiner knowledge.
Hi Jochen, if we think sharing, we thing 'DataMiner Live Sharing'. DataMiner live sharing is a service running on our DCP - DataMiner Cloud Platform. Our objective is to share various data sets and any type of information in DataMiner in a secure yet intuitive manner. Anyone can access the shared info, no need to have a DataMiner account. An existing account on Azure, LinkedIn etc is sufficient. So that is extremely convenient yet secure.
Now, I think you can already connect the dots already.... if we can visualize a service and/or booking in our DataMiner dashboards, we can share those with any 3P customer. Now, I do not know by heart if we already released a dashboard component that is able to visualize a service (running service or a booking). For sure, this is in the roadmap, but need to check where that is on the planning.
Our first implementation live sharing is already in preview today. This can be demonstrated from our demo system. The goal is to come to an MVP towards end of Q1 next CY.
What are the timelines for your customer?

Perfect Jochen, I'll ask Reinout to sync with you as he is managing the roadmap for the UI developments. It's important we understand the initial expectations.
Hi Steven, thanks for the reply. This is indeed what I’m looking for. Checked and couldn’t find that dashboard component yet.
Regarding the timeline, there’s no hard delivery date, we’re working agile and deploying to production every few weeks. This requirement was picked as the next user story to tackle.