I am using SNMP type protocol and where http also included. during element creation i just want to set SNMP device IP for http device as well and want to set default port as well so that during creation no need to mention those things.
other thing i want to know is it possible to use these details inside the protocol.
Hi Chirangee,
You can set default ports for an SNMP (Main) and HTTP (Secondary) connection in the protocol definition like shown below.
For the IPs, you need to fill them in the element configuration wizard. As far as I am aware, there is no way to set default IPs.

I didn’t fully test but if you try adding the visibleInUi=”false” as part of the PortSettings tag this would make it so that this connection would not show on the element wizard and would use the same IP as the first connection.
You would still have to define the Port as described by Fenta

its working thanks.
so is their another way to develop this protocol so that the i can use only one ip which work for both snmp and http communication.