Hi all,
First off all, I am not sure the title is correct or not.. Hahaha..
Ok so.. I am creating an alarm based on service template's element where:
whenever an Element from INTERRA ORION OTT is GREEN, the CIRCLE should also be GREEN (regardless of what other element alarm has),
whenever an Element from INTERRA ORION OTT is RED, the CIRCLE should be RED (regardless of what other element alarm has)
Ideally it should be as the image below:
However, this one is just I edit with MS PowerPoint.
Reality, I have an issue as the below pic where:
The Circle Color follows the Overall Alarm color (in this case is the VIEW)
I believe this this due incorrect syntax I input such as below:
Hence, may I seek for your request on how I can achieve as to make the alarm follow as the first image, which is:
whenever an Element from INTERRA ORION OTT is GREEN, the CIRCLE should also be GREEN (regardless of what other element alarm has),
whenever an Element from INTERRA ORION OTT is RED, the CIRCLE should be RED (regardless of what other element alarm has)
Your assistances are very much appreciated.
Thank you very much and have a nice day!
I would have a look under the advanced settings for the element inclusion. For the elements that should not affect the service status you can change the maximum inclusion severity to normal (see red arrow on screenshot):