We have created libraries that make use of the IDms class library. These libraries provide interfaces/classes that make sense to the solution. These libraries can then be used in Automation Scripts, Protocols and external tools in C# code.
In order to reuse these libraries in our ad-hoc data sources, we want to retrieve an object that implements the IDms interface as provided by Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common library. We would like to retrieve the object from the IGQIOnInit | DataMiner Docs method. The GQIDMS class does not implement any interface and IMO would make more sense that the class implements the IDms interface as this is now the most common way to retrieve information from a DMS.
With the current features available, what is the best way to get an object that implements the IDms interface from the IGQIOnInit method?
Hi all,
Starting from DM Feature release 10.4.6 or DM Main release 10.5.0, DM now exposes the underlying GQI SLNET connection to extensions like Ad Hoc data sources and custom operators.
More information can be found on DataMiner Docs: GQIDMS class | DataMiner Docs