Hi all,
I keep getting the error below in the logging of a connector. I suspect the problem is in the loading of the referenced dll, but I can't figure out how to resolve it.
2022/07/12 14:14:08.301|SLManagedScripting.exe|ManagedInterop|CRU|-1|5|System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Skyline.DataMiner.Library.Common.DmsElementId Meinberg.Nms.IAC.Communication.Generic.ElementInfoEvent.get_DmsElementId()'.
Hi Stijn,
It looks like you're missing the Meinbergh API dll. Can you confirm that it's available on your system?
The dll ‘SLC.CLib.Meinberg.Nms.IAC.dll’ is available under the folder “C\:Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\DllImport\slc.clib.meinberg.nms.iac\1.0.10325.21-1.0.0.x.21\lib\net462”. I uploaded the connector via the ‘.dmprotocol’ package, which contains that dll.
Can you verify in the uploaded protocol that the dllImport reference on the impacted QAction is correct?
This is the dllImort reference: ‘slc.clib.meinberg.nms.iac\1.0.10325.21-1.0.0.x.21\lib\net462\SLC.CLib.Meinberg.Nms.IAC.dll’
Hi Jens, I’m working with Nuget packages