I would like to get a bit more info on how to link UI block buttons with actions, just to get a better understanding.
Hi Curtis,
If you want to trigger Qactions all you have to do is set parameter to 1 like so:
ele[0].SetParameter(20100, 1); // Trigger Button
or the event trigger that when a ui button is pressed to do a certain action would be so:
dialog.NextButton.Pressed += (sender, e) => Button_Pressed(sender, e, dialog);
public void Button_Pressed(object sender, EventArgs e, HelloWorldDialog dialog)
//Some Actions
Hope this helps.

Thank you Amer, I also have another question. How do I get the result from a checkbox list option,

For UI blocks you will find it here:
For widgets:
IEnumerable test = dialog.CheckBoxList.Checked;
Thank you, all done now.
Sorry only seen now that you want it for UI blocks but the anwser I gave was for Widgets.
Here is the link to where it explains it in the Docs with an example: