Hello DOJO
I have a list of event inside a table with an alarm status for each flow, one line by event :
Active(1) (alarm is present now),
Not active(0) (all old data are kept, but no alarm present)
In this table I have multiple lines with the same flow name (history)
I need to show a shape with the text for the nature of the alarm for each flow, but rather than having a blank shape when no alarm is present I want to hide the shape
This part work well due to the filter :
In this example, if the name is 2110-27-In and alarm is present (445>0) then the text is displayed
How to hide the shape text if the conditions above are not met ?
Flow 1 no alarm is present, the text is empty
Flow 2 an alarm is present, the text is displayed
I tried many things like below, but I am not able to succeed, I guess an index for parameters is needed, but how to ?
Hi Joel,
The dash (-) is used as separator for the show functionality. Therefore you can use below to make your logic work. See Changing the separator character in the condition for more info.
[Sep:-?]<A> and <B>?A|16608/905|432|=2110-27-In?B|16008/905|445|>0

Thanks Jens
I was fooled as a newbie (I didn’t pay attention to the – inside the name)
I have replaced the string but the behavior is the same
The shape is never shown with or without alarm, whereas the text is present when an alarm is raised