Hello DOJO
We need to hide alarms for some groups, but only the alarms triggered by some templates.
Usually, this is done by restricting rigths and views in the group settings.
But we also need these groups to be able to see the data and the views.
Is there a way to achieve this ?
Hi Joel,
If you'd like to hide the alarms in the alarm console in cube, you can choose to enforce filtered alarm tab pages. You could hide the default alarm tab, and enforce a filtered one.
More info can be found here (link) and here (link)

Hi Joel,
You can apply the 'user settings' on a group level, using the "configure group" button on the bottom left-hand side of the user settings dialog.
This means that users will automatically get the correct user settings based on their assigned group. If you change the user from one group to another, the new user settings should automatically be applied (if enforced using the lock icon).

Yes it's true, thanks
Hello Ive
Thanks for your help.
This is another way to play with the alarms and i'll keep it in mind.
However, this method have the disadvantage, to have to repeat the setting for each user.
Because we are working with a group, it necessary to repeat the operation on each new user, and to revert the configuration if the user change of group.