Does anyone know how in Visio view, to get the value of row in a table, using the result of row from another table in different protocol ?
I want to get a row table of each child element from a manager element
the result is the draft image just above and it's OK, I can see the name of each element managed
What I want now is to get some values of each child element (let say the temperature) like in the shape on the right side
I tried many things like above
I think I am not so far, but for now it's a fail
we use this version of dataminer : (
Hi Joel
You're indeed on a good track by nesting placeholders. However I believe you're missing your row indexing. First you're dynamically generating a group shape for each row in a table. From that row you want to take the value of a column (the element name) and use it to display a parameter value (temperature).
When 'selecting' your element name from the table, you need to also define a row via the placeholder [tableindex]. Assuming parameter 1802 is your element name, it would look like [param:*,1802,[tableindex]]. This can then be nested to get your temperature value. I did a quick test myself and this seems to work:
Where parameter 104 is my temperature value and parameter 1003 is my column value holding my element name.

Ah Yes, work like a charm 🙂
thanks a lot for your help