Is there any method in the SLProtocol library that enables you to retrieve parameter information from a different element within a qaction.
Hi Curtis,
I believe your best option would be to use Class Library NuGet (you can read more about it here Class library introduction | DataMiner Docs).
With it, you should be able to use either Method GetStandaloneParameter | DataMiner Docs or Method GetTable | DataMiner Docs methods depending on whether your parameter is a standalone one or a cell in a table.
Do note that the parameter on the other element must have RTDisplay set to true.

Sure, you can use something like this
IDms dms = protocol.GetDms();
IDmsElement element = dms.GetElement(“MyElementName”);
IDmsStandaloneParameter parameter = element.GetStandaloneParameter(11);
string value = parameter.GetValue();
Thanks for your example. Will I be able to use this straight off the bat or do I need to implement the interface to my qaction. Sorry my c# is a bit rusty.

You should only need to install the NuGet I mentioned and then adjusting the names and parameter Ids should be enough.

A full example can be found here:
Hello Joao,
Is it okay if you show me an example. Thank you.