i'm trying to find a way to save all my service templates safely but i can't find a way to save it correctly.
i know that we can export a dmimport file but it import EVERYTHING (visio, elements linked to the ST, etc...) and it's not what i'm looking for...
i just want the ST configuration that we configure when we edit the template (input data itself, child element, properties etc...)
i'm already save the csv config file with all the services linked and the input data attached to them.
The idea is if i lose a template, i import the save with input data itself, child element, properties etc... after i apply it with the csv file with all the services.
is there a way to do that ?
thanks in advance !
Hi Evan,
Before creating dmimport file, duplicate ST to be exported and export them.
You can export only ST without any children/protocols etc..
In my case, before generating services with .csv file, I always export ST as backup.