After deleting the DVE parent element, I noticed that quite a few child elements are remaining.
I have already checked that no other element is running the parent protocol.
Cube is preventing me from deleting these elements.
What can I do to get rid of these elements?
The cluster is running
Hi Thomas,
Can you try the steps described in this question:
Broken connection between DVE and parent element
1. Stop the DMA
2. Delete all txf files from “Skyline DataMiner/Protocols/ParentProtocol” & “Skyline DataMiner/Protocols/dveProtocol”
3. Start the DMA

Hi Miguel, when talking about a DMA cluster topology is it necessary to stop the entire cluster to delete the txf files? I say this because of the synchronization, we will have the same files in all agents of the cluster inside the same protocol folder, correct?