Hello community,
We are looking into creating service protocol to enhance the service definition. I can't find any information related to how to implement this. I did find a similar post on DOJO but the link posted in the answer is not available:
1. Where can I download the free Skyline Service Definition Basic (I am unable to download from catalog)?
2. Where can I find documentation on how to implement this?
Hi Miguel, in order to download a connector from the catalog, it would be required to have your DataMiner system cloud connected to be able to use this feature. You can find all requirements here. (The catalog is just 1 of the many advantages of going to the cloud)
Please get in contact with the project deploy team or your sales representative to further assist.
The Skyline Service Definition Basic as seen in the catalog also provides some additional information.
Next to Jens his answer, where you need to define the protocol type as Service, please be aware that there are also some reserved IDs for enhanced services
Should you require more (hands-on) help, then I would again advise you to get in contact with your project deploy team or your sales representative to assist you further.

Thank you very much Robin, I have enough information to move on with my investigation. I wish we could move DMS to the cloud, but for security concerns, we are nowhere near making this change.