Hey Dojo
Is it possible to create a dropdown in a visio with the display keys of a table as options. And if so how and can the selected display key then be stored in a session variable?
Arne Maes [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Edited comment 24th May 2023

You can achieve this with the SetVar control in combination with the param placeholder.
The content of your SetVar will be something like this: myVar:[param:<elementName>,<pid>] where <pid> is the parameter ID of your table parameter.
Please do read the help as it contains some interesting info on PK vs DK behavior.
Arne Maes [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 24th May 2023
For a dropdown you need the “ComboBox” options.
Have a shape with the following data:
SetVar myVar:[param:”elementName”,”TablePid”]
SetVarOptions Control=ComboBox