I try to display a line between two views in the map. I created the properties LatitudePropertyName, LongitudePropertyName, LatitudePropertyName2, LongitudePropertyName2 and set the coordinates in the properties. Unfortunately the map display the views location but not the line
You'll find my map configuration below. Can you tell me what's wrong in my setup ?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<MapConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Center latitude="0" longitude="0" />
<FilterBox visible="true" autoFit="true">
<Layers name="installation">
<Layer sourceType="properties" refresh="20000" autoFit="false" visible="true" allowToggle="true" name="sites">
<PropertiesSourceInfo type="views" elementVar="view" elementDataVar="viewdata" style="lines">
I think the style="lines" option isn't supported yet on a PropertiesSourceInfo. At the moment the lines option is only supported on TableSourceInfo, SqlSourceInfo and ForeignKeyRelationsSourceInfo.

I’ve updated the documentation.
Thanks Wim,
in this case documentation have to be updated