Dear Dojo Community,
I am currently trying to create an element, by replicating it from another DMS, as explained on this documentation page: Replicating elements | DataMiner Docs .
My client system is a DaaS, cloud-connected. My system where I want to replace the element from is a local system, also connected to the cloud. For this system, I have a '' address and a local DataMiner account, with administrator rights.
When I try to replicate the element, I need to click on "retrieve elements" to populate the dropdown. When I try this, an error message appears: 'DataMiner was unable to retrieve any elements. Please check your settings.'
To troubleshoot this issue, I would like to investigate these settings, but I do not have a clue where to look. I would also like to know if there are any loggings that I could check to have a more detailed error description, to know which setting I should change to make this work.
Can someone help me to check these settings?
Kind regards,