I'm looking for a video or some other cohesive documentation on how to add this functionality at a connector level and cant find anything useful.
Hi William, this is probably what you're looking for: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/AdvancedDcf.html

Hi William, thank you for the feedback! we’ll look into improving this.
In the meantime, I can already refer you to the NuGet package containing the DCF helper code: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Skyline.DataMiner.Core.ConnectivityFramework.Protocol
I already updated DM Docs so that it will now refer to the NuGet package instead of the old SVN. Note that it might take a couple of days before my changes actually get released.
I have found that and think that A) its not cohesive B) its still too high level C) it lacks practical examples and D) is undercut by pages like the DCF Helper Class (what SVN?? hyperlinks exist) how can this be used? etc