Situation 1: You know the element and want to know the SLPort process it is using.
Situation 2: You want to know all the elements that are using a specific SLPort process.
Mieke Dryepondt [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 29th September 2020
The split in SLPort processes is not done based on Elements, but on ip/port (so this means that an element with multiple ports can be in multiple SLPort processes). To see which ip/port is in which SLPort process, you can check the SLPortSplit.txt logfile.
Wouter Demuynck [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Edited comment 30th September 2020
Note that the SLPortSplit.txt logfile doesn’t list the process ids of the SLPort processes.
What it logs is “xxxxx|SLPortSplit|xxxx|xxxxxx|CDataMiner::GetPortFactory|CRU|-1|xxxxxx [number]” where [number] is a number 0-n. All ports with the same number are in the same SLPort process.