I'd like to add in a dashboard both the read and write parameters that I have available in an element.
In this case the W parameter is a dynamic discrete.
How can I mimic what is below in a dashboard?
Please have in mind that the list is filled in by using a dynamicId
Hi Daniela,
Maybe there is another way, but a possible option is using a 'Parameter page' component. You can display a page from an element in a dashboard:
The drawback is that you will display all the parameters from the page.
Another option is using the 'Visual Overview' component to display the overview assigned to the element.

Please be aware that control functionality (like parameter sets) is not one of the main objectives for our dashboards application.
It is a main objective for our user-definable apps environment (currently in soft-launch and expected to be released in one of the 10.2.x features releases). So at some point you might need to move from a dashboard to a user definable app in order to still have the parameter sets in your page component.
Thanks Miguel!
Actually in our use case we need to display an entire page anyway, the paremeter mentioned in the question was just one of the parameters we’d like to display from a page.
This is enough for us.