Hi Dojo,
I have a field descriptor in a section definition of type: AutoIncrementFieldDescriptor.
I exported the Dom Definition to a different DMS, where I'm testing things out.
If I now create a DOM instance through the usual: DomHelper.DomInstances.Create(DomInstance);
Do I need to update that field with the correct value already increment? Or it will do it automatically??
If I need to update it, I guess I can get the AutoIncrementer, but in this new system, I will not have Auto Incrementer with that GUID. Can I create one?
The end goal is to mimic the most that I can the production system locally to run a few tests.
I hope it's clear. Thank you.
Hi Ana, see this answer, maybe it already helps you further. https://community.dataminer.services/question/unique-id-field-descriptor-dom-similar-to-ticketing-app/answer/106328/.
As far as I know you don't need to fill in a value. If the field descriptor is of type AutoIncrementFieldDescriptor, a value should be filled in automatically when saving the instance.

Update: more detailed docs about this FieldDescriptor type is now available: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/DOM/DOM_objects/DOM_FieldDescriptors/DOM_AutoIncrementFieldDescriptor.html