Hello everyone,
I've created an element on my dataminer with the protocol : Grass Valley Vega.
But the problem is : when i active the element he fall in timeout.
This what i got in the stream viewer :
It seems every GET request are not able to communicate with the device.
PS : I've checked the ip is the correct one And i didnt saw on the GV VEGA's web interface any SNMP connection to enable.
Hi Maxime,
To troubleshoot the issue, you could try using another tool to test SNMP communication with the device—for example, tools like snmpwalk or iReasoning MIB Browser. These tools can help you verify if the device is responding to SNMP requests and ensure the connection is working as expected.
Additionally, I checked that driver, and I noticed there is a "Web Interface" page available. Are you able to access any content on that page? If not, this could also indicate an issue with the device or its (DataMiner element) configuration. When you click on the "Web Interface" page, it should load the device's web interface. If it doesn’t, it might point to a network or configuration problem.
Let me know if this helps or if you find anything unusual during these checks!
Kind regards,

Hi Maxime,
If you’re able to access the device through the web interface, it indicates that your DMA can successfully reach the device over the network.
However, if you’re unable to retrieve SNMP information from the device—whether through DataMiner or an external tool—it’s likely due to a configuration issue. I recommend checking the following:
SNMP Configuration on the Device: Ensure that SNMP is enabled on the device (e.g, via its web interface). Some devices require explicit activation of SNMP communication.
SNMP Version and Credentials: Verify that the SNMP version (v1/v2c/v3) and credentials (community strings or user/password for SNMPv3) match those configured in DataMiner.
I don't now in detail the device you are using. Maybe you can also try to check on the manual how to configure it.
Best regards,
Hello José, i have already test a snmpwalk call, but it responds with an error. So i guess snmp calls are not able to communicate with the device.
– And Yes i can get acess to the web interface.
So my question is do you know if i have to enable something on the device, maybe enable SNMP somewhere or annything else ? Thank you.