We're looking to group alarms from several departments.
We have studios at different locations (a studio at location x is one element, y another, etc.).
When we have a problem on one of our studios, it has an impact on the other studios and so for a critical alarm we receive several alarms.
We'd like to receive an alert if one studio falls, but if several fall, we'd like to receive just one alarm.
I've already tried correlation rules, but they don't work as expected (Correlation on service or on elements but not ok).
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Hi Johan,
Thank you for your question. This feels to me like you are looking for a way to group alarms that kind of belong to the same incident. Is it correct to assume that the alarms are occurring in a limited time range of for example 5 or 10 min?
If my assumptions ^^ are correct, DataMiner Incident tracking might be what you are looking for. This is a well documented feature (Automatic incident tracking | DataMiner Docs) and this video might be a good starter in case you are not yet familiar: Incident tracking - DataMiner Dojo. Key will be to have something in your Digital Twin in DataMiner that makes the relation between the different locations/alarms detectable. Incident tracking supports multiple ways (from built-in view/service/... relations to configured properties to machine learned relations). Hope this guides you in the right direction.