I’m looking for a method to get the trend data from list of table indexes.
Is the method “GetTrendDataSimplifiedForParameter” :
- Accept wildcard e.g Teleglobal* ? to get the trend data for all indexes starting with “Teleglobal” ?
- Can we put more than one index in the tableindex ? see snapshoot below.
Jeroen Geldhof [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 24th May 2022
The GetTrendData web methods only support requesting the trend data for one parameter+tableindex pair. So you will have to call the web method multiple times, once for every table index (this can be done in parallel). A wildcard also isn't supported.
Jeroen Geldhof [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 24th May 2022