Hi Dojo,
I'm having the below error while trying to call an API with GetHistoryalramsforview method.
What is throwing this error?
Your request isn't valid, it should be like this:
If the connection ID is not used for 5 minutes, the session will end. You will then need to connect again to request a new connection ID.
Hi @Wim Bruynooghe.
I could successfully call the method but I could not retrieve some of the columns that I’m looking for. I could only retrieve the columns that are available by default.
Imagine I have a column called parameter description how can I retrieve this from the Alarm tree?
And I could see we are using v1 in all the methods. Are there any latest or other versions in calling the API’s?
There’s also a more advanced method “GetAlarms” which has more filter options:
“connection”: “6fe972a2-2b04-4cfc-af87-c5a5b9f8db9d”,
“viewID”: -1,
“filter”: {
“History”: true,
“StartTime”: 1654576344000,
“EndTime”: 1654621883000,
“Columns”: [“status”, “alarm.mypropertyname”],
“InfoEvents”: false,
“FullAlarmTree”: false,
“SortBy”: [“TimeOfArrival”],
“SortAscending”: false,
“Search”: null,
“FilterItem”: {
“__type”: “Skyline.DataMiner.Web.Common.v1.DMAAlarmFilterView”,
“Match”: true,
“ViewID”: -1
With columns you can specify extra data you want to include in the result.
More information can be found on https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/webservices/WS_v1/WS_CustomDataTypes_v1/DMAAlarmFilterV2.html
Hi @Wim Bruynooghe
It looks like still I could not retrieve the columns that I’m looking for.
It however giving the results as same as GetHistoryAlarms Method
“connection”: “”,
“filter”: {
“History”: true,
“SlidingWindow”: false,
“StartTime”: 1654576344000,
“EndTime”: 1654621883000,
“Masked”: false,
“InfoEvents”: false,
“FullAlarmTree”: false,
“element name”,
“parameter description”,
“root time”,
“alarm type”,
Thank you @ Wim Bruynooghe
Thats working.
One more question how long does the Connection Id valid for which we retrive from ConnectApp Method?