Hi Guys
Can we check FirstMac of online user directly in protocol as soon as they are logged in to Dataminer rather than using SetVar value in visio?
I don't think this is possible at the moment. But maybe you can share your use case and we can think along for alternatives.
For example use 'ComputerName' or 'connection ID' (instead of mac, based on CollaborationStatusEventMessages which are being sent when new connections are done)
Or forcing a default workspace for certain usergroups, so you can continue using 'FirstMac' in Visio.

Ok I see Ladan,
Maybe you can work with a ‘Execute’ action on page level? This will prevent the need of a button (but will still require your users to open the card where the Visio is linked to, but I guess that is not a problem?).
see https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuidepart_2visioConfiguring_a_page_to_update_parameters_on_session_variable_changes.htmXREF_66525_11_6_5_configuring&rhsearch=firstmac&rhsyns=
For example on ‘Page’ level in your Visio drawing, you can have this shape data:
This config will execute the script with name ‘Myscript’ every time a user opens the card (no click on a button needed) and the mac will be filled in in the script parameter with name ‘MacParameter’.
As an alternative, you can work with a parameter set instead of a script.

Thank you Pieter I’ll test this. Our policy is to avoid scripts but I like to test this solution and maybe apply it if I get approval

If you don’t want to use a script, you can also work with a parameter set: see https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuidepart_2visioConfiguring_a_page_to_update_parameters_on_session_variable_changes.htm
To what was you button linked originally?
Hi Pieter
As soon as a user logged in to Dataminer, we need to know what macAddress they are using so we show their desk is connected. This desk connection will allow them to do other actions.
We can do that by creating a button to connect desk on visio and use SetVar to get their MacAddress.
But I was wondering if we can reduce that click button step on visio and show desk is connected automatically inside code.
The reason that we need macAddress is because we use [firstmac] placeholder in visio to find out other connections to other elements/services in visio. I don’t know if we have any placeholder for ‘ComputerName’ or ‘Connection ID’ on visio which can help us out.