Is there a way to get the element alarm state through a dashboard query?
Not at this moment (10.1.8 or earlier) Ive, what query did you have in mind?

As always, if you think a bit longer, you find a way to achieve what you want with DataMiner 🙂
Just adding this as a reference.
You can create a profile parameter ‘Element state’ and link it with all protocols you want to include. The profile parameter can be linked with the ‘General parameter ‘Element state’ (65008) which is available in all protocols.
Then you can join your element list query with a ‘get parameters for element where’ query based on a profile definition that includes that profile parameter.
PS: I’m aware that this is not a easy way to achieve this and we’ll add a more convenient way via the collaboration task you’ll create.
Thank you for the feedback Pieter.
We were looking to have an overview of a filtered subset of elements in the system, showing their name, protocol, polling IP, and alarm status.
I managed to get everything in my query, except for the element alarm status.