Hello Everyone,
I need to get the uptime of the DMA, but it seems I can only retrieve the server uptime, which is not what I need. I am looking to obtain this information through an automation script. I tried using an IDms call, but no property provided the uptime. Additionally, I checked some SLNet calls, but I was unsure if the last boot time or start time I was getting was from the DMA or the server.
The implementation I have to do must be from an automation script. If there is a way to get the last reboot or start time of the DMA, I could calculate the timespan until now, which is doable.
Thank you!

Hi Estaban,
The DMA uptime can be found in DataMinerPerformanceInfoEventMessage according to this answer.
Here you can find an example of how it can be retrieved.
subscribing as I’m not sure about the specific call you can use from a script,
but this must be defined somewhere as it is shown in
System Center > Agents > Status:
the 2nd column from the right gives you the DMA uptime
(the 3rd column is for server uptime).