Hi Team!
I have created 8 Services of the same kind, for them I want to create a custom Visio that reads the element from the service and gets parameter values.
The Services are the following:
For the Name, I made it easily this way:
The Visio I am creating has the following shape:
Thanks for your hints, they've been very helpful indeed.
Using the shape data ServiceContext I reached half the goal; now it comes the second "problem": I want to show the state of the following parameter
This parameter is expected to be "11803:Cho 0 []", 11803 is the parameter ID and the remaining part is contained in another table column
When I created the generic Visio file for this driver I set shape data this way
Which is the correct manner to replace [this element] in order to retreive data from the CO of the Service?
‘Cho 0 []’ is the identifier of the row in the Changeover Table. Visual Overview needs to know which entry of the table you want to reference in your Visio. Therefore, it needs to be hard coded in the visio drawing ( instead of providing the ID of the column ).
In case the table does only contain one single row or in case you’ve only included one single row in your service, just use a ‘*’ to reference it.
Me and Riccardo had a call and it was possible to workaround this using a Service Property to get the correct row from the table.
Hi Riccardo,
Can you post what’s the value of parameter 11899 from this element?
A tip, to quickly test visio placeholders, you can just create a text shape with value ‘[Param:…]’ and this text will be replaced by the value of the parameter. It can help you to understand if the placeholder is correct.