Hi Dojo,
I have a service template which is working with a csv file. I'm wondering why some parts in the service are missing. First I thought it's a bug because we have an old DMA version. But now we are on the latest release. My test is with 12 tv channels and all information should be gathered with the help of the csv file. Now I changed all settings for a particular child elements to the same one. But only 2 out 12 services have the child element included. How is this possible? It's also on other child elements. But now I could test it very straight forward with a specific child element.
All child elements are selected as "Templated element" with checkbox on for "This service child is optional"
I did a small example with less content to show it:
CSV file:
Generated services:
The first 3 channels are fine, rest of it has no child element.

Hi Marieke,
solution is to enable “Allow element to be reused by multiple services” for all child elements.
Hi Stefan,
I get the impression that this issue may be too complex to investigate on this forum. If you still need help with this, could you contact techsupport@skyline.be for assistance?