Hello Dojo,
I am trying to generate a correlation alarm when I have two specific alarms on an element.
For instance, as shown below, I am trying to generate a correlation alarm when there is a Critical alarm severity on Param1 and Param2.
Below is the correlation rule, I am trying to test:
I tried to test with the OR condition and it works fine for me.
But when I changed to AND condition, the correlation alarm is not generated.
Is there something am I missing to apply?
Thank you for the help.
To trigger the rule when two specific alarms occur, you'll need to use the rule condition instead of the alarm filter.
In the rule condition, add a script condition, and then include the filter conditions that match your specific case. It should look something like this:
Hi Min,
Based on your screenshot, there are two separate alarms: one for "param 1" and another for "param 2."
These alarms will be evaluated independently.
Since your condition requires both "param 1" and "param 2" to trigger, the rule won't trigger. This is because each alarm will only meet one condition, not both.
Hi Min,
In addition to what Catarina mentioned, you need to add a rule condition. If you don't do this, no correlation alarm will be generated.