When installing a full upgrade (e.g. 10.1.2 FR), the file clientapps.lic is deleted.
Is this expected?
That is expected. The file is no longer used as of 10.0 CU7 / 10.0.12 / 10.1 / 9.6 CU19 (RN27595)

As aborting an upgrade mid-way is not a supported scenario as far as I know, and deleting files is one of the first steps in the upgrade, the missing file appears to be a consequence of aborting the upgrade rather than the source for the upgrade getting stuck.
On a system which for which the upgrade has been killed mid-way and thus is likely in an invalid state, I’d suggest to re-execute the upgrade via SLTaskBarUtility (or downgrade to the previous version in the same way).
As for investigating why upgrades get stuck, the main file to look at would be the progress.log file in the Upgrades/Packages/xxxxx folder.
Hi Wouter, thanks for the information. I guess the file should indeed be deleted, but I believe it isn’t expected that the upgrade is blocked for over 3hours, and the only way to fix it is to abort the full upgrade and upload the clientapps.lic file again?