What is the best way to force automation script to execute from Cube if some of dummy elements lose communication with Dataminer. We have simple script which set one parameter on bunch of elements, but if one of element lose communication with Dataminer, script report error, stop and don’t want to set parameters on another good elements.
Thank you!
Hi Jurica,
Can you make sure that the option 'Do not fail when elements are not active or in timeout' is selected (see General script configuration).
Hope it helps.
Not sure if this will work but you can try testing for the state of the element. If its in error. If its in error you might want to do some more digging on why it's in error
Element el = engine.FindElement("test");
if (el.RawInfo.State == Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.ElementState.Error)
Solved with Miguel advice. Thank you for help!
Yes, it helps. Thank you!