I'm using The ParameterSummary field in a shape in Visio to get the average of a column that all have a certain primary key (e.g: ParameterSummary: Avg|ElementName:123:*Key*|). This works well until we run some tests and test rows in that table end up in our average calculations.
Is it possible to filter the results based on another column in the same table? That would allow us to filter out "*Test*" and only get us data that we care about.
Thanks in advance for any information.
Hi Blake,
The *Key* part is used to match rows based on the primary or display key. This means it should be doable if there is a distinction in the PK or DK of test results and real results.

A NSF needs to be requested in order to implement such a feature.
Yeah thats a possibility, but is it possible to do it on a seperate column from PK/DK? Or perhaps filter on keys that don’t have “Test” in it?