I want to create a dashboard to analyze the durations of my alarms per element (see attachment).
For this, I need to be able to:
1. Fetch My History Alarms
2. Have access to the time the alarm got cleared
I've found this question showing how to fetch history alarms both returning AlarmEventMessage. But I don't find any indication on the time the alarm got cleared in the AlarmEventMessage.
Kind regards,
Hi Jonas,
The AlarmEventMessage itself does not say when it is cleared, it's the AlarmEventMessage that has a cleared/normal state that will have cleared the alarm. So you grab the timestamp of that message instead.

Hi Jonas, the alarm you are probably thinking of is a construct in DataMiner cube. DataMiner only knows of “active alarms” which are alarm events that are part of an alarm tree that has not yet been closed by a normal/clear alarm event. An alarm tree is all alarms events with the same root ID, which DataMiner Cube represents as a single alarm entity that can be opened to see the individual alarm events as state changes.
HI Floris, thanks for pointing this out! Is there also a way to directly query the alarms itself or only the Alarm Events? Kr, Jonas