Hello All,
We are getting this error in our system. I know the 397 and 321 Notify Protocol Ids are related to get all indexes and get all rows. But we can't seem to understand why these are failing. Could anyone point me on where to find more information on why there are failing/ any tools I can use that will help us get to the bottom of this issue.
Note we have multiple elements using this protocol and only one site is failing not across all sites, so we don't think it's an issue with the code and the parameters we are passing into the call itself. Note it happens for a day or so then no longer happens.
2023/03/07 15:16:42.578|SLManagedScripting.exe|ManagedInterop|ERR|-1|78|NotifyProtocol with 397 failed. 0x8007000E
2023/03/07 15:16:44.000|SLManagedScripting.exe|ManagedInterop|ERR|-1|78|NotifyProtocol with 321 failed. 0x8007000E
Many thanks,
0x8007000E is error E_OUTOFMEMORY, and basically means SLProtocol doesn't have enough memory available to process your request.
Could it be that you are requesting a lot of data with these calls?
If it would be a frequent error, and you see SLProtocol is close to 4GB in memory usage, you could try running SLProtocol as x64 process as a workaround:
Activating SLProtocol as a 64-bit process | DataMiner Docs

I stumbled upon this Dojo question and a small addition to the 64bit SLProtocol topic.
SLProtocol will be 64bit by default when going to v10.3.9 or v10.4