I'm using 'Show' to show a shape if a parameter '=Deleted', which works fine when the row is present, but the row is removed about a minute after the value is 'Deleted', so I've added '|DefaultReturnValue=True' to the end of the shapedata so it shows when the row isn't present, which works on initial load, but doesn't work when the row is removed from the element, the shape disappears. I can only get it back by closing the card and re-opening it.
What options do I have/is this a bug?
DefaultReturnValue works for situations where the initial data couldn't be retrieved. At those points the result will fallback to the DefaultReturnValue.
A deleted row will trigger an event if you are subscribed on that row, thus we know it's gone and we consider the value "empty".
For a row that doesn't exist, we don't get an initial event, meaning we have no idea if the event didn't come in yet OR if it doesn't exist. At that point we fall back to the DefaultReturnValue.
My suggestion would be to add onto or modify the condition so it also shows when the retrieved value is empty.

I’m not sure about the exact syntax possibilities anymore and would need to check up on it, but you could try some alternatives like or with B being the empty condition check, or by using a regex…
I’ve tried ‘Regex=AZ’ (this does have backslashes before the A & Z, but the comment box stripped them out), ‘Regex=^$’, = in shapes on their own, combined with the ‘=Deleted’, and separated out as a separate B condition, as soon as the row is no longer in the table, none of them show.

Probably we designed it in this way then that when a row is gone, the show will evaluate to false by default. Another option would be to work with a hide condition instead and with ‘!=deleted’. If none of the above works for you, feel free to create a task and send it over to the Exploration product domain. Our basic rule is that a visual overview should look the same at any point in time. So if it’s different when reopening, you can consider that an issue.
Thanks Toon, the hide option works, so will go with that.
Thanks Toon,
I was thinking along those lines.
I’ve change the last part of the ‘Show’ to ‘|=Deleted;=|DefaultReturnValue=True’ with no difference in behaviour.