Hi all,
I'm looking for a way to export a complexe tree structure of my views in Lab (only the views, not the elements and services) and then import this structure into my production environement.
Any idea how to complete such action quickly and easily?
Hi Jens, Robin,
Thank you for your answers. It bring to my mind that it could also be done through a powershell script and WS API.
I have used a recursive function to achieve the job.
I browse the tree structure on lab and directly create the views on prod.
I'm not a powershell expert and it could be probably improved but here is what I did:
function migrateViews ($viewID, $destinationParentID){
$views = $ws.GetViewsForParent($connectionString,$viewID);
foreach($view in $views){
Write-Output "$($destinationParentID) : $($view.Name) NEW $($view.Name)";
#create view
$newViewID = $wsProd.createView($connectionStringProd,$destinationParentID,"NEW $($view.Name)");
Start-Sleep -s 1 #Wait view to be createdif($view.HasChilds){
migrateViews $view.ID $newViewID;
}$ws = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "http://lab_IP/API/v1/soap.asmx?WSDL"
$connectionString = $ws.ConnectApp("Lab","user","pass","Web Api Data Service","?","?")$wsProd = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "http://prod_ip/API/v1/soap.asmx?WSDL"
$connectionStringProd = $wsProd.ConnectApp("Prod","user","pass","Web Api Data Service","?","?")migrateViews 20141 20640

Wow, great idea of using the Web API.
Congratulations Julien, it’s excellent.