I've recently noticed that whenever I open a service Edit window, it takes around 5+ minutes to load (Not an exaggeration, I've timed this out several times) and while it is loading Cube becomes completely unresponsive. I periodically get a popup saying Cube is unresponsive and asking if I want to "Terminate" or "Keep Waiting".
After the 5+ minutes, I'm able to edit the Service as expected. But I'm wondering if this is a bug or to be expected in services with several child elements (Just including 4-5 parameters per child element with no index filters)?
Hi Nick,
The behavior that you describe is not expected. I think the best course of action would be for you to reach out to our Techsupport team directly so this issue can be further investigated. You can send an email to techsupport@skyline.be.
This is what I'm running…
Server version :
Client version : 10.5.2505.3334-0352cbd4