Hi all, have the following exception when trying to execute a BPA test:
System.Exception: BPA doesn't have a valid signature
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.BPA.BpaManager.RunTest(IConnectionInfo clientInfo, Bpa bpa, BpaExecuteConfig executeConfig, ExternalBpaProcess extProcess)
What does it mean and how can I resolve this?
Hi Stijn,
The log file SLBPAManager will usually contain events related to BPA.
You will see something like this at the start of this file :
2024/12/04 01:09:19.090|SLNet.exe|RefreshAcceptedCertificates|CRU|0|119|Force loaded certificate: SkylineCodeSigning.cer (Skyline Certificate). WARNING! Machine might not have latest Windows Updates.
2024/12/04 01:10:49.175|SLNet.exe|RefreshAcceptedCertificates|CRU|0|119|Force loaded certificate: SkylineCodeSigning2021.cer (Skyline Certificate). WARNING! Machine might not have latest Windows Updates.
2024/12/04 01:11:19.297|SLNet.exe|RefreshAcceptedCertificates|ERR|0|119|Ignoring certificate SkylineCodeSigning2024-DigiCert.cer: Certificate is not trusted by the machine
This indicates the issue here.
This summer our old code signing certificate expired and was renewed for the 2024- 2027 period.
This machine isn't on the latest Windows updates and thus the certificates aren't recognized yet.
The workaround in this scenario would be to update the Windows machine so that it has the latest recognized root certificates from the public authorities (digicert).