I've tried connecting DataMiner to an ES cluster that's using self signed certs, but get the following error in the SLSearch.txt log "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure."
Is there a way of allowing this, or do we need to use issued certs?
Hi Philip,
Self-signed certificates are supported (but note that issued certificates add more security).
Make sure the IP of the elastic nodes is added in the Subject Alternative Names of the certificate. You'll have to export the public key of the certificate and trust it (add it to trusted root certification authorities) on the Windows Server hosting DataMiner.

A DNS record can also be used, wildcard certificates should also be supported.
Thanks Jens,
Adding the cert to the trusted root cert authority was what I was missing.
Does it need to be the IP, can a DNS record be used instead? and if so a wildcard cert?