Hi Dojo,
Creating a full backup in DataMiner creates a backup (snapshot) of Elasticsearch. But it is not included in a DataMiner restore.
How can I restore the Elastic snapshot created by DataMiner? This is probably possible using the standalone elastic backup tool. Restoring a snapshot using the standalone backup tool requires me to fill in a repository name. Under what repository does DataMiner creates this snapshot?
Hello Wouter,
You can check the repository by checking the "path_repo" in the Elasticsearch.yaml file in:
C:\Program Files\Elasticsearch\config\Elasticsearch.yml (for windows, which from what you are describing, I believe it is your case)
/etc/Elasticsearch/Elasticsearch.yml (for Linux).
Please let me know if this helps 🙂

Have you tried to check if the repository is functional?
You can use either kibana with: POST /_snapshot/repo_name/_verify
or the elastic API: http://elasticNodeIP:9200/_cat/repositories
If this is not available, you can try to initialize your repo using the following example (as described in docs: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/DataMiner_Tools/Standalone_Elastic_Backup_Tool.html):
StandaloneElasticBackup.exe init –host –username elastic –pw elastic –repo repo_name –path “C:Skyline DataMiner Backups”

I found the issue and posted the answer, thanks for pushing me into the right direction!
Thanks for you answer Carolina, I tried initializing the repository with the path_repo from the Elasticsearch.yaml file, but when I do the restore, it cannot find the snapshot, even though I can see it in that folder.