I am trying to display an image using a webpage in low code app. When putting the URL into the web component, I am able to get the image but the web component remains in that image even when the image has changed or is gone.
Is there a setting that I could use to refresh the webpage automatically on an interval.
Instead of configuring the URL of the image directly in the Low-code app, make use of the videothumbnails webpage. Configure the following URL in the web component of your Low-code app:
The "source" parameter should contain the URL of the image. With the "refresh" parameter you can specify the refresh interval.
There's more information in our docs, although it has been written for Visio, it can be used within Dashboards and Low-code apps as well.

Hi Wim,
Thanks for the suggestion, I tried configuring the url as you suggested as well as playing around with some of the settings in the docs. Unfortunately I have not been able to get it to work. Not sure if I made a mistake somewhere and was wondering if you could give me any insights of what might be wrong.
when using the /VideoThumbnails/Video.htm?type=Generic%20Images&source=http://IpAddress/Folder/Picture.png&refresh=5000 only it seems to not give any information and putting in the dma hostname it seems to give me the link of the cloud connected hostname as shown below
Thanks Wim again, I manage to get the url to work however the page is still not refreshing. I have left a screenshot below to see if you can spot anything wrong
The URL should not start with a hashtag (that’s for embedding in Visio only).
Using relative URL has the advantage that it should work on any DMA in the cluster and also from remote access using the cloud connection (although proxy should be set to true then).
Hi Wim, edited my “answer” with updates. so that I dont need to keep creating new answers
The refresh URL argument was not yet taken into account for images. A fix was done in 10.3 (CU18), 10.4 (CU6) and 10.4.9 (due to be released on August 23rd) which resolves this.
I believe additional workarounds are possible depending on the urgency of this functionality (e.g. creating your own webpage and applying some small code snippets https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4572193/how-to-reload-img-every-5-second-using-javascript).