I am unable to get my dynamic URL to use the value of the dynamic part in the URL.
I'm using DMA v10.4.1, but it seems I'm missing something to tell the low code to grab the value instead of see the Feed cmd as text.
This is what I defined:
https://myDma/app/myAppId/Workpane?data={"version":1,"components":[{"cid":1,"select":{"strings":["{Feed.Tickets."Table 1"."Selected rows"."Query rows".Id}"]}}]}
And I expect that a new browser page will open up with my app using the Id value of the selected row. But the URL in the browser is this:
So instead of getting the actual value, it is just using the command as text.
I was using this documentation:
Hi Mieke,
Are you using this url to open the app via an 'navigate to a URL' action or by using this url in the browser? The second case will not work, it is the 'navigate to a URL' action that fills in the feed values in the URL before navigating to the resulting URL.
EDIT: as discussed in the comments, the issue was that the first keyword of the feed reference needs to be fully uppercase. The correct feed reference is: FEED.Tickets.”Table 1″.”Selected rows”.”Query rows”.Id

Hi Mieke, I took a look at your confiuration and identified the issue. The first keyword of the feed reference needs to be fully in uppercase, the correct reference should be: FEED.Tickets.”Table 1″.”Selected rows”.”Query rows”.Id . I’ll also add a note about this to the docs.
I am using the navigate to a URL via a selected row in a (DOM) table.
I made a custom template > context menu and 1 of the item is to open up a different page of the app in a new browser tab with a specific filter.
I figured out that I can just use {Id} since the data I need is in the table-row that has the action. So for my initial use case I have a solution.
However I also have a 2nd case where the selected row in one table is filtering data in another table (default select 1st row). and I might still need to collect data from the selected row in the 2nd table when using the action in the 1st table.
I’m pretty sure I’m simply using the Feed.xxx incorrectly. Is there an example I can download from the catalog?