I'm experiencing an error with my Dynamic Shape Visio Dashboard where there are too many instances for the visio to display. I was wondering if someone knew the limit of the amount of chiclets a dynamic visio dashboard can produce from one shape
Hi Dino,
It's indeed a 100 by default and depending on the complexity of the shape, this can be increased in the settings. Note that increasing this a lot will impact the initial loading time and responsiveness of the Visual Overview.

Yes, that’s correct but note that you can configure these per security group as well to give a different default value (or lock the setting all together).

More information on the group settings can be found here: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/Security/Basic_security_configuration/Assigning_user_settings_to_a_user_group.html
Thank you Sebastiaan!! This is on a per user basis right? Their personal Cube setting?