I would like to understand if there is any workaround to duplicate a page created from a low-code app quickly. I know that it's not possible to duplicate pages at this moment, but if there is any workaround to achieve this it would be great since the process of repeating the page creation can be annoying. By the way, is the implementation of this feature in the short-term roadmap? Thanks
Hey Andre,
Low-code apps are stored into the c:\Skyline DataMiner\Applications. Every folder corresponds to a low-code app, and the name of the folder corresponds to guid that you'll find into the url. Every folder contains an App.info.json, describing the app pages, and a subfolder 'pages' that contains a separate file for every page.
A possible work-around which works for me is to:
- Duplicate the file of the page into the 'pages' subfolder and assign that a new name (guid).
- Update the content of that newly created file to update the Name attribute to correspond to that new guid.
- Update the App.config.json with a new additional page (listed in pages attributes).
Make sure to work into the correct version. And do note that this is a work-around, so be careful to adapt. In case you put incorrect information in these file, it can surely break the application also. So use with caution 🙂
Please also note that I'm referring here to a single DMA instance, if you'd be working on a DMS, this might involve more steps. Again, caution :), it is a work-around after all.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion Leander! 😉 And nice to see as well this feedback being added to your backlog Sebastiaan!
As a side note, this feature has been added to the backlog (DCP202736).