Hi Dojo,
We have created an integration with DOM, and the nature of our integration causes the instances to receive frequent updates.
Due to this, we get big "dms-chisory_dominstance_..." indices in our elastic DB.
Is there any way to automatically cleanup these indices, or a way to prevent creating a new entry in the chistory when we update an instance?
We have seen that when we want to Delete an instance, which has a lot of chistory entryes, that this takes a lot of time to perform this action.
Thanks for the help!
Hi Stacey,
There is currently no way to disable the DOM instance history creation. A task for this is already in our backlog & should be scheduled in the relatively near future.
You can however already define a TTL on these objects using the ModuleSettings. This way, they will be automatically deleted after a configured time. Here is the docs page about it: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/DOM/DOM_ModuleSettings/DOM_TtlSettings.html