Hi everyone,
I was looking through the release notes of DataMiner 10 CU5 and under the New Features section there is the following:
Looking for additional details on DataMiner Help, I found the following:
This shows the features should be available from DataMiner 10.0.0/10.0.2 onwards. It also shows that the Behavioral anomaly detection can be enabled/disabled in System Center > System settings > analytics config. However I was not able to find this setting:
In addition to this, in the Help is also mentioned that anomaly detection options can be configured for specific parameters. In this section it mentions that it is available from DataMiner 10.0.3 onwards and that there are additional options in the alarm templates:
Once again I am unable to find these features:
Due to what described above, I have the following questions:
- Does the DataMiner Analytics new features require an aditional license option?
- I am assuming that features on DataMiner 10.0.3 are available on DataMiner 10 CU5 (since they are also mentioned on the release notes). Am I wrong to do this?
Thank you for your help.
- Alarming on detection of anomalies cannot be configured through the alarm template in the 10.0 main release (see RN24529 for more details).
- The System Center analytics config tab page has been added since feature release 10.0.9, and is not present in the current 10.0 main release (see RN26388 for more details).

Hi João,
As a rule, if only a feature release version is mentioned in the help, you can assume the feature will only be available in the next main release. So if it just says “From DataMiner 10.0.3 onwards”, that means the feature will be available in 10.1.0.

Hi Marieke,
It’s a good rule to know, thanks for the help.
Hi Ruben,
I was not aware of this details and may have been mislead by the Help. It is not always clear in the documentation which feature is available on a Main or Feature release. Being the DataMiner Help a public document, it could be useful to add that distinction.
Thank you for your help.