I am new in the use of Dataminer and i've set up a localhost agent to try some stuff but after I have installed the Dataminer Cloud Pack when i start my agent the process remain at 99% without progess.
ADAMA TOURE Answered question 1st December 2023
LorsQue nous vérifions ses fichiers qu’est ce que nous devons faire Quelques fichiers de log à vérifier qui pourraient indiquer
- C :\Skyline DataMiner\logging\SLDataMiner.txt - C :\Skyline DataMiner\logging\SLDBConnection.txt- C :\Skyline DataMiner\logging\SLErrors.txt
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Posted new comment 4th December 2023

I recommend contacting techsupport@skyline.be to resolve this issue.